Join the Peaceful Warriors - become a succesful Franchise Partner

Coaching is a relativeely new business. The Peaceful Warriors developted a professional Approach to hemake coaching as popular as

Coaching is a relatively new business - we think it has to be as usual for people as going to the gym or to the church.

As we understand the market,  a lot of coaches are running a one man business, facing all the issues like prejudices that coaching is something strange, somthing esoteric and not worth spending time and money on. The Peaceful Warriors business concept addresses that issues in a excellent way. By an transparent, professional aproach of our coaching sessions, tools and equipment, in addition to professional marketing approach, we have developted a business concept which faces this dilema in a successful way. 

That does not mean, that Peaceful Warriors have limited flexibility bringing their own skills and methods by beeing a franchise partner. 

Our franchise approach ist, that we regularely devolop our tools and concepts TOGETHER with all Peaceful Warriors Coacheas accross the globe - we share best practices, devolop new ideas and teqniques and share a global knowledge base. Althoughe we benefit from a strucutred aggreed aproach an quality standards, every single Peaceful Warrior Coach is able to have about 20% individual influence on his personal coaching approach. Your benetifs as a Franchise Partner are:


  1. Participating in continues improvement of Coaching Techniques
  2. Usage of Marketing Material, regional and global Brand Campaigns an Customer Acquisition
  3. Global Knowledge Base and Coaching Network
  4. Professional coaching Toolsets
  5. Regular get togehters,